La herramienta Turnitin se encuentra integrada en la plataforma Moodle, se pueden realizar revisiones de coincidencia; se trata de una herramienta utilizada por más de 15 mil instituciones y más de 30 millones de usuarios inscritos.

Para más información sobre el uso técnico de Turnitin, haga clic aquí



Since 2016, Turnitin, a web-based writing assessment toolkit, has been integrated into Moodle. This tool allows detecting coincidences of the information of documents with internet sources; this allows avoiding academic plagiarism, resulting in a resource of support for both teachers and students.

Turnitin is integrated in the Moodle platform, and you can make coincidence revisions; it is a tool used by more than 15 thousand institutions and more than 30 million registered users.

For more information on the technical use of Turnitin, click here.